FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions


What is EKO-KAT?


EKO-KAT is a compact, passive device that is placed directly into the fuel tank to optimize combustion in the engine.

How does it work?


EKO-KAT modifies the structure of hydrocarbon chains in diesel fuel, promoting a more efficient fuel atomization, thus enhancing combustion in the engine.

When will the effects of EKO-KAT be noticeable?


Optimal results are usually achieved after 30 to 50 operating hours or approximately 13,000 kilometers driven.

How long does EKO-KAT last?


EKO-KAT retains its full activity for at least 24 months or 500,000km. After this period, its efficiency may gradually decrease.

Is EKO-KAT different from fuel magnetizers?


Yes. EKO-KAT does not utilize magnetic properties and operates differently than a fuel magnetizer.

For which engines is EKO-KAT suitable?


It can be used in almost all diesel, with the exception of engines powered by LPG (liquefied petroleum gas).

Are there effects on exhaust quality?


Yes, a more efficient combustion can result in reduced emissions.

Is EKO-KAT safe for the engine?


Yes. It does not affect engine electronics and requires no maintenance. EKO-KAT can even contribute to extending the lifespan of the engine by improving combustion efficiency.

What savings can be expected with EKO-KAT?


Depending on various factors, especially driving behavior, savings can range between 8% and 16%.

Is the use of EKO-KAT legal?


As of now, there are no legal restrictions for the use of EKO-KAT.

Does the use of EKO-KAT affect my vehicle's manufacturer warranty?


No, as EKO-KAT requires no technical modifications, the manufacturer's warranty remains intact, which is particularly important for leased vehicles.

Are there different versions of EKO-KAT for different vehicle sizes or types?


Yes, we adjust the EKO-KAT sets according to the needs of your fleet.

Do you have further questions? We are happy to provide personal advice. Contact us!
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